Top 5 Myths About Bunions 


1. My bunion was caused by my shoes. Shoes do not cause bunions, genetic instability of a joint in the middle of the foot called the first tarsometatarsal joint or TMT joint is to blame. With that being said, if you have this genetic instability, choosing to wear tight shoes, or ill supportive shoes like flips flops can allows the bunion deformity to enlarge more quickly.

2. Pads and splints can correct my bunion. Not a single brace or splint has been shown to reduce a bunion deformity. While being worn, sure, they can make the toe look straighter, but as soon as the pad or splint is removed the toe returns to its deviated position. Only surgery can correct a bunion.

3. I can perform stretches to reduce my bunion. Another falsehood, unfortunately perpetrated by medical professionals who stand to benefit from this belief. Some professionals say they can stretch the bunion to reduce it, however, upon reading the research closely they never report that the angle of the first metatarsal ever changes, merely that the toe joint is more flexible. Just like any other stretch of course frequent stretching can increase flexibility, but the bump remains, and so does the pain in shoes.

4. I grew a bump behind the great toe. You did not grow a bump, the enlargement that you see is actually the first metatarsal bone deviated towards the midline of the body due to instability of the first TMT joint. While some bunion sufferers do grow a small bony bump, the deviation of the bone came first. This enlargement can be removed at the time of surgery.

5. The bunion can be corrected just by removing the visible bump. Not true, because a bunion is a deformity that has elevation, rotation and movement towards the midline in 87% of patients, removing the bump with only partially address issue. It does nothing to realign the sesamoid bones under the joint, or remove rotation that causes great toe to twist, and especially does not reduce the source of deformity at the middle of the foot and bunion can and usually will worsen over time.


Frequently Asked Questions About Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction